Little Kitten Bento + Tutorial


Hey everyone! For people who have previously visited my blog regularly, please don't get shocked ;)! I am sure you have noticed that I recently changed the look of my blog ;). I just wanted a change, because I simply couldn't see that same, old blog skin anymore, and I also wanted to personalise my blog a bit more. Previously I used a free blogskin available online somewhere, but this time, everything is designed by yours truly ;). So, please don't be too harsh on me, I know that there are lots of rooms for improvement, especially because I don't have any knowledge in coding. I was thinking to use a different platform other than blogger, because it's going to give me more freedom in designing my blog. But then again, I've been using blogger for (wow!) a bit more than 4 years now, so I decided to stay here and be loyal to blogger ;). 

I will nevertheless add a new section to my blog, such as a gallery to improve audience experience - I am aware that my blog is not the easiest to navigate. If you think that there are other cool things I should add to my blog, please do let me know :). 

Anyway, back to the bento above - I actually made it ages ago, but haven't posted about it until today. It's pretty simple to make and you don't need god-mighty skills to make it as long as you own some cookie cutters and a nori punch. The kitties are made from fried spam, cheese, carrot and nori seaweed. The sides are a portion of boiled corn kernels, edamame beans and pan-fried scotch egg.

I will make a horse-themed bento within the next few days since it's my dad's year as well :). My dad is currently here, so it's going to be dedicated to him :). Stay tuned!

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  1. Love the recipe and the bento creation!

  2. Great tutorial & love your new blog looked!!

  3. Thanks for visiting, Mimma Carbone :)!

  4. Great tutorial. You have a great blog!! Thank you for stopping by my blog and checking it out.

  5. It looks absolutely fabulous!

  6. So cute as ever. Thanks for tuto usefull for beginners. What is spam ?

    1. Thanks zouzou lechat :)! Spam is canned meat:

      It's pretty unhealthy, but you can always use a healthier alternative such as firm tofu or other things with similar texture :).

  7. I love your step by step tutorial section! It makes us believe it's easier than we think! :)

    1. Hehe, I hope it helps people who want to try doing charaben though :).

  8. I like how the overall design hasn't changed that much, yet the site looks completely different. The navigation definitely improved, well done. :) And I'm a fan of the retro/girly coloured social media buttons...

    Also, that's one monster of a scotch egg. XD Maybe because the box is small.

    1. Thanks, Tze. I love retro and girly design too. I am still playing around with the layout of my blog. Unfortunately I have no coding knowledge which hinders me from designing my blog as I really wish it to be. But I suppose one day it's going to be easier to design your own blog even though you know nothing about HTML/CSS. Just look at wix, squarespace, etc and the likes, super cool!

    2. Gah! I hate coding too. I stopped learning after HTML4 and now it seems like everyone knows how to write code. Google a simple term as "Change website background" (ok, at least I know how to do that) and the search results always lead to forums where people throw bucketfuls of code at you. D:

      Wix? Squarespace...? *researches* ...Huh! One of these might come in handy if I start something new...thanks!
