Cute Robot Taco Rice Bento


A theme which I had never done before - robots! This edible robot is also pretty simple to make and you don't need any special cutters to make it - I used a small kitchen knife to make the little shapes before assembling them together, and a pair of micro tip scissors to cut out the nori eyes and smile.

Below you will find the ingredients I used to make this friendly robot - pretty simple, right? This bento is also healthy as it contains plenty of fresh produce. Here are the contents:

1. Steamed Brown Rice
2. Edible Robot (made from vegetables, nori and Colby cheese)
3. Taco Meat (made from organic ground beef)
4. Chopped Cherry Tomatoes
5. Chopped Avocado
6. Corn
7. Radish Slices and Stars
8. Carrot Flowers
9. Lettuce

Do you know that Taco Rice is originated from Okinawa, Japan? Due to the large presence of the American military in the 1980s, Matsuzo Gibo created this dish and introduced it in his cafe's menu to appeal to the US military personnels that were stationed just minutes away from his cafe. Nowadays Taco Rice is one of the most popular Okinawan dishes

Usually you top taco rice with salsa and a dollop of sour cream, but I'd mixed the sour cream and salsa in the taco meat, so it's not necessary to include both items in the bento box (which I think is better for transport purposes too). 

Hope you enjoyed this post and I wish you all a lovely weekend :). 


  1. You never fail to amaze me with your creativity.

  2. This is so cute!! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog! I haven't been to your for a while too, but wow! Your cookbook looks amazing!! Congratulations! :D

    I've been great!! Still studying though :( How about you?

    1. Thanks, Von :)! You're still studying? How many years do you need to complete your degree?

      Me? Well, life's been strange but I am alright :). Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Wow!! Love the colours and all so perfectly made ^_^

    1. Thank you, Karen :). You're always SO sweet!

  4. They are really beautiful. How long does it takes you to make a bento like this? I would love to try once.

    1. Hi Ella, this bento is actually pretty simple. As long as you've got all the ingredients ready: taco meat, chopped tomatoes, chopped avocadoes, etc, you'd probably just need around 15-20 minutes to assemble everything together - this of course didn't include the prep time. The robot didn't take that long to make if you've got a sketch done beforehand so you know exactly what to do - I notice that I often waste too much time in the kitchen while making bento because I was too busy thinking what to make and which ingredients to use. Planning beforehand could decrease prep time tremendously.

  5. Mexican bento! What a wonderful idea! I love the robot :-)

    1. Yep, Mexican it was (even though it's something Okinawan ;)).

  6. Aw this is adorable! You brought a smile to my face on a lonnnggg Friday afternoon at work!

    1. Thank you :). Glad that the bento brought a smile to your face!

  7. Aw I'd forgotten how cute all of your bentos are! The robot is very cute :) You must have so much patience to make all of these bentos!

    1. Thanks :). I've noticed that you don't really bento anymore?
